Why do the words enter our thoughts at all? Because a gastric band is a drastic step for anyone, be it a virtual one or a surgical one. And yet many of us are ready to go for it, so why is that? My thoughts on the matter are that we diet for years, always looking for the next best thing, the new grapefruit and egg diet or the supposed 'cadiac' diet that did nothing for our hearts lest the rest of us! And in the process we end up heavier than we ever were!
So what's the big attraction with a gastric band? Well, I think it sounds like a quick (which it is) and easy (which is isn't) route to the perfect figure that lies within, just waiting for something magical to release it. But what exactly is the magic? That's another topic entirely because it causes us to eat very small amounts and often to sustain us. But is that enough?
In the long run all weight loss comes down to a change in lifestyle, what we eat, when we eat it, how we move, what our emotions do to us and how they affect us and being in the right frame of mind to start thinking differently.
So, it there a place for gastric banding? Yes, I do think so, but I quickly qualify that statement with: In extreme cases where a person can be classed as morbidly obese which means their size is a direct risk to their life, then yes, it can start the process off and help the person to see quick results and sometimes, when we have such a long road ahead of us, that's important. But....yes there's a but.....if during the process we don't include the education and the lifestyle changes that we require in order to sustain this, it may all have been for nothing.
If you have thought about a surgical band which costs anything from £4K-£9K or are considering the less risky route of a gastric band under hypnosis, anything from £400-£900, then be prepared to listen to your surgeon / therapist and make a note of all the pros and cons before going forward. It really is a life changing decision.