Stoptober is the NHS's stop~smoking~in~October campaign.
Are you thinking about quitting? Are you one of those smokers who thinks, yes, they would love to stop, but deep down you just feel as though you can't?
Well this is probably a good time to take that forward. You have lots of company, lots of support and encouragement and lots of good reasons to give it up now and some good resources at your beck and call.
Am I a smoker? The answer is no.
Was I a smoker? The answer is yes.
Did I need help to quit? Oh yes indeed!
What method helped me? Hypnotherapy.
So can hypnotherapy help me to stop smoking?
If you really want to do something, but feel as though you really can't manage it on your own, then hypnotherapy may the route to your success. It usually takes one session and you stop. And any professional, clinical hypnotherapist, will, if you feel you require a second session within a month, provide that for free! They should be as keen as you are to help you stop smoking.
Can hypnotherapy make me stop smoking?
Now that is a different question altogether. One of the myths of hypnotherapy is that a hypnotherapist can take over your mind or make you do things. Wrong on both counts. If a client came to me and said that they were told to come because loved ones are concerned that they stop smoking; but they really enjoy the cigs and really don't want to quit; in that case I have to advise them that they are wasting their money. Nobody has that power over another person and for that reason a reputable therapist is never allowed to issue a guarantee. It's enshrined within their 'code of conduct' for a good reason. For more information on that and how to check that your hypnotherapist is qualified and registered, go to the CNHC website and search at
Of course there are many resources out there to help you stop smoking. There are support groups, nicotine replacement patches...chewing gums etc etc. And many of these work for a lot of people and they are to be commended and encouraged whichever route they choose.
For me, I chose hypnotherapy to stop using nicotine and not replace it with another form of the drug. And one of my concerns was of course the risk of gaining weight. And many people do! The coating of tar gradually leaves your tongue and you can taste food and enjoy eating more. Many substitute a cigarette for a snack and really believe that it helps to keep the weight off. But at what risk to your health? And I have to say, at one point, I had mastered both (smoking & eating).
With hypnotherapy your fears and concerns should be listened to by the therapist prior to your session. The first part where you discuss you, should take some time to ensure this is really personal for you and your concerns taken on board. I lost weight when I stopped smoking for that very reason.
So if you have managed to stop, either on your own or with some support, well done!
And if you are thinking about quitting and feel that this is time for you to do it, good luck, I wish you well!
Bee Yourself Hypnotherapy