Monday, 5 August 2013

People are enjoying this summer more than any in years thanks partly to some lovely summer sunshine. What a lovely pick~me~up it provides for us. It warms us up, helps us to relax and even switch off our troubles for a wee while.

Many of us can keep up those warm summer feelings into the Autimn and Winter. Unfortunately many of us just can't. A sudden drop in the temperature, amount of day light, time spent outdoors with friends and family or relaxing, can really have a detrimental effect on our emotions and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately we cannot switch the sun back on, but there are steps we can take to make sure that we don't allow our emotional levels to drop below what could be classed as an acceptable level for us. 

So what can we do?

There are many different therapies and treatments we can access to give us that lift we need at times. I use relaxation recordings quite a lot in the darker nights. They are low cost and can be used again and again.

Other therapies / treatments can cost a wee bit more but can be such a treat that they are worth every penny. Last week I had my first Hot Stone-Full Body Massage by Jackie in West Calder (T 07958765590) and was a treat to behold and highly recommended! Certainly took me to the most relaxing place I've been in a while.

Exercising is another way to boost our mood and simply walking is the best exercise I've ever come across, and cheapest too! As well as boosting the mood regular walks help us to shed excess weight naturally which always perks us up.

And always remember, if you do feel your mood dropping or unwanted feelings creeping in, at any time, always seek help because help is there. 

Until next time:


Senior Therapist
Bee Yourself Hypnotherapy