Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Can hypnotherapy ease my exam nerves?

It doesn't matter whether we are studying for a professional qualification, a driving test, school or university exams or a short course of interest to us, strange things can happen to our abilities around exam time. Of course exams used to be the only way to determine how effective we were going to become in performing tasks or gaining much needed qualifications. But nowadays various programmes allow us to take bite size chunks as we go along making the 'final exam' much less onerous than it once was. However, certain achievements still require that we demonstrate our acquired skills and knowledge under examination conditions in order that we are deemed safe or competent to hold that certificate or licence. They say if we study an area of interest and we enjoy the subject, we should be able to soak up the knowledge and any practical skills that accompany it. And often we do. We can recite away our tables and codes and other technical data as we rehearse in our heads and revise the necessary information. So why on earth do some of us step into that 'exam' environment and fall apart? Are we just too keen to do well that our nerves take over to protect us? And in doing so, protect us so well that we can't think of a thing! Whilst deep down, we know, that we know, what we know and that we should, be able to, regurgitate it. So now let us avoid regurgitating as well! (Remembering stomach churning) The human body is a marvellous thing. The human brain is a fantastic thing! Any situation that might require us 'needing' to be 'protected'automatically brings on our Fight or Flight response. Adrenaline rushes around us and makes us buzz. Of course that's great if we are being chased by the mad axeman! But not so great when we just want to relax and recall what we know we know. So can hypnotherapy help to overcome this fight / flight response? Yes it can. And yes it does for a lot of people. We can learn how to relax and how to override this response at the times we need to keep a clear head, concentrate and recall. Our conscious and subconscious minds can work wonders for us, if we allow them to. Maggie Senior Therapist Bee Yourself Hypnotherapy www.beeyourself-hypnotherapy.co.uk

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