Monday, 29 April 2013

Time; such a precious commodity

I've written about time before in the sense of taking a 'time-out' to charge the batteries. But time is such an important commodity that it deserves to be under the spot light again.

Why do we wait until our batteries are drained to consider time to rest up?
Why do we spend so many hours working that we forget the time to live a bit in between?
What would we do with some extra time if we could create it?

Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give someone, and yet it's free. What does it mean to you when someone just wants to spend time with you? It should mean something really special. And yet how often do we do it? How often do we do it for ourselves?

One thing I always try to introduce into therapy sessions, is the need to start being kind to yourself. One of the simplest ways to do this is to gift yourself some time. Time to relax, time to rest, time to have some fun, time to switch off from work or chores or simply time to stop the world for a moment and just take it all in. 

A good hypnotherapist will always give you recordings to listen to at home within some peace and quiet time. Not only does this help you to achieve your goals quicker, but it also ensures that you give yourself that precious gift of time.

And you don't have to go and float in water or find a mountain top to escape to, nice as they can be; simply relaxing in your favourite chair with the worldly distractions of mobile devices switched off, can transport you anywhere you like when you truly learn how to relax. 

We don't know where time goes to or comes from, or even why it appears to fly as we progress in years. But we can start to appreciate it for the gift it is. Especially when someone else offers to share this invaluable commodity of theirs with us. How special is that!

Maggie Graham
Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist
Bee Yourself Hypnotherapy 

April 29th 2013
Twitter:              @BeeYourselfhyp

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