Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Sometimes life gets in the way of living......

Things to do, people to see and life goes on. Easy to let life lead you by the hand instead of guiding it where you want to go. Sometimes in order to get where we want to go we have to first of all decide where exactly that is. Sounds so simple yet so many of us have never actually sat down, cleared the mind and thought, "Where do I actually want to be and what do I really want to be doing?" Easier at times to get into a rut and stay there. 

If you haven't yet tried picturing your goal in life, I can recommend it. Having the end goal in sight makes it so much easier to choose the right road to the rest of your life. As the late Steven Covie said, "Begin with the end in sight."

Of course many of us already know the road and are well on our way. Congratulations! But more of us have little blocks in our pathway. They can appear as doubts, fears, phobias or even just lack of confidence in our own abilities. But one thing is true; if we really want something in life we must first of all make up our mind and then work towards it. I think making one's mind up is the first essentail step. It can be a Eureka moment or a simple decision made. But the common factor most people experience is that once it's decided you have started the journey.

Doubts and fears can easily be overcome with the right professional help. I see people conquering these fears and phobias most days in the clinic. Celebrating success is a feature and a pleasure that comes with being an advanced clinical hypnotherapist. Prior to this I had years of experience in nursing and healthcare. Although essential and life saving work at times and always rewarding, it seemed to concentrate more on symtoms and was very often fire-fighting. 

Therapy can be deep and really deal with the root cause of many conditions and issues within modern day life. It's sad but true that life can indeed get in the way of actually living at times. You don't dare to dream at times far less actually follow them. Good things are simply things that happen to other people, or so it can seem. But when you make that decision to follow your dreams it can be an amazing release as well as life changing.

Your therapist.


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